Why You Need to Use Certified Contractors to Install Safety Barriers

When you’re employing a company or a contractor to install any kind of fencing, safety barriers, or crash barrier, you expect the work to be completed to a high standard, ensuring that your project, worksite and employees are protected. 

But if the contractors working on your job aren’t certified, could that pose a threat to the quality and safety of the work? We’re going to be blunt here. Yes, it could very well mean the difference between a job that will serve its purpose and be the ultimate protection, and one that can cause disastrous consequences.     

What are the Risks Without a Certified Contractor? 

So, you decide to take the cheaper option. The contractor you choose isn’t certified. This could lead to your safety barriers being installed incorrectly, without the ideal features included and the proper care being taken.

If they are not installed right, and do not meet the safety standards, they will not function as they should. These errors in installation can lead to a higher risk of safety barrier failure, resulting in many more work zone and pedestrian/motorist accidents.   

Not only will your own workforce employees be in danger, but also the likelihood of passersby such as pedestrians and motorists could come to harm under these risky conditions. If someone receives an injury, it could also lead to an expensive and damaging lawsuit. 

Which Qualifications Should You Look Out For? 

Now that you understand the potential threat of hiring contractors without the proper qualifications, and realise you should not be skimping on safety, which qualifications should you be on the lookout for? 

Check that the company you’re considering has the qualifications below: 

  • AS/NZS 4801 
  • ISO 9001
  • ISO 14001 
  • MASH compliance barriers 

These will ensure your safety barriers are not only top quality, but are being installed by experts in the industry. 

Go With Someone You Can Trust 

There is no excuse for skimping on safety, and at McIntosh Fencing, we know how disastrous it can be when barriers are not implemented correctly. 

Holding the tri-certification accreditation (AS/NZS 4801, ISO 9001, ISO 14001), we have the skills and knowledge to follow all strategies efficiently and to quality standards. Our Quality Management System is implemented with all staff, to ensure we meet Australian standards. If you need safety barriers that really work, McIntosh Fencing’s team are the go-to qualified professionals. We have you covered. Get in touch with us today.